On May 2, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serzhan Abdykarimov has been invited to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Deputy Minister Khalaf Khalafov, the MFA told APA.
During the meeting Deputy Minister has expressed serious concern of the Azerbaijani side regarding death of one person and injury of 2 persons as a result of use of arm during detention of the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan G. Ibrahimov, E. Nuriyev, E. Ahmadov, and Sh. Novruzov by employees of the Coast Guard of Border Service of National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Caspian Sea on April 30, 2020 and presented the relevant note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Kh. Khalafov noted at the meeting that resulting use of fire arm in fatality is not relevant to joint cooperation mechanism among border services of two countries, as well as current friendship and fraternity spirit among the countries.
At the same time Deputy Minister has asked the Kazakhstan side thorough and objective investigation of the incident and death and injury cases pf Azerbaijani citizens, and informing the Azerbaijani side on the results, in accordance with the principles of relations between two cooperator and strategical partner countries. The Azerbaijani side has appealed for receiving body of Azerbaijani citizen, died as a result of the incident, soon.
Ambassador S. Abdykarimov has expressed his sorrow for the fatal result of the incident and offered his condolences to relatives of the died person and noted he hopes for quick recovery of the injured. He noted he will deliver the note and serious concern of the Azerbaijani side to his country and he hopes if there happen such kind of incident, it will be in accordance with border cooperation mechanism between two countries.
Then the Ambassador noted the Embassy will do what is necessary for evacuation of body of died citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Azerbaijani side.