“The statements voiced and the behaviors demonstrated recently by Armenia’s leadership need special comment”, said the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Leyla Abdullayeva, APA reports.
“The attempts of the leadership of the occupant country focused on fixing the results of the war initiated by Armenia i.e. the occupation of the internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan, instead of eliminating those results, and continuation of violation of rights of hundreds of thousands of the internally displaced persons, show that the people being at the head of this country remain indifferent to the future of just their own country and people along with not understanding fully their own responsibility.
Armenia bearing responsibility for the shed blood of thousand of civil persons, their ruined lives, the violated rights of hundreds of thousands of people, as well as blatant trampling on international obligations whose responsibility is determined by the unambiguous position of the international community condemning the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories including relevant decisions of the European Court of Human Rights doesn’t have any spiritual right to speak about neither justice nor law and democracy, and moreover the right to read a lecture to others.
Experience shows that the Armenian side tries to bring up on the agenda anti-Armenia sentiment in Azerbaijan, while its arguments have ended and can not find a word to say. However, leadership of the invader country, which turns to a blind eye to that roots of the conflict between two nations in the region are based on groundless territory claims and aggressive policy of Armenia, does not take any step to remove consequences of the hostility and conflict, conducts a blind policy away from reality, pragmatism and constructiveness. As a result of the politics, firstly, Armenia may face serious consequences.
If Armenian leadership thinks peace and security in the region as it was mentioned in the statement of the official Yerevan, then should remove its occupant forces from Azerbaijani territories and prepare its people for peace. They should demonstrate their political will behind the negotiation table with obtained concrete results, as patience of neither Azerbaijan, nor international mediators is endless”, stressed the MFA official.